
ColdBox Installation

Since this module utilizes other module dependencies, which are designed to work within the Coldbox framework, it may only be used within the context of a Coldbox application. By just installing the module, the following things will happen automatically for you:

  • A Logstash LogBox appender will be registered to capture all messages of FATAL or ERROR severity

  • An onException interceptor will be registered to log all errors that ColdBox sees.


The cbElasticsearch module is bundled in the installation of this module so, if you are utilizing a direct connection, you will need to first configure the Elasticsearch connection in config/Coldbox.cfc. See cbElasticsearch configuration.

The default configuration structure for the module looks like this. Note that environment variables or java properties may be provided to configure the module with adding any additional code to your config/Coldbox.cfc file:

moduleSettings = {
	"logstash" : {
		// The name of this application, which will allow for grouping of logs
		"applicationName" 	: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_APPLICATION_NAME", server.coldfusion.productname eq "Lucee" ? getApplicationSettings().name : getApplicationMetadata().name ),
		// Whether to enable the API endpoints to receive log messages
		"enableAPI" 		: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_ENABLE_API", true ),
		// Whether to automatically enabled log appenders
		"enableAppenders" 	: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_ENABLE_APPENDERS", true ),
		// The type of transmission mode for this module - `direct` or `api`
		"transmission" 		: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_TRANSMISSION_METHOD", "direct" ),
		// only used if the transmission setting is `api`
		"apiUrl" 			: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_API_URL", "" ),
		// Regex used to whitelist remote addresses allowed to transmit to the API - by default only is allowed to transmit messages to the API
		"apiWhitelist" 		: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_API_WHITELIST", "" ),
		// a user-provided API token - which must match the token configured on the remote API microservice leave empty if using IP whitelisting
		"apiAuthToken" 		: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_API_TOKEN", "" ),
		// Min/Max levels for the appender
		"levelMin" 			: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_LEVEL_MIN", "FATAL" ),
		"levelMax" 			: getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_LEVEL_MAX", "ERROR" ),
		// A closure, which may be used in the configuration to provide custom information. Will be stored in the `userinfo` key in your logstash logs
		"userInfoUDF"       : function(){ return {}; },
		// A custom prefix for indices used by the module for logging
		"indexPrefix"       : getSystemSetting( "LOGSTASH_INDEX_PREFIX", "logstash-" & lcase( REReplaceNoCase(applicationName, "[^0-9A-Z_]", "_", "all") ) ) )

The environment variable names are noted above in the getSystemSetting methods. For clarity, they are:

  • LOGSTASH_APPLICATION_NAME - The application name to transmit with all log entries

  • LOGSTASH_ENABLE_API - disable or enable the API endpoint

  • LOGSTASH_ENABLE_APPENDERS - disable or enable the application appenders ( built-in error logging )


  • LOGSTASH_API_URL - The url of your logstash API service

  • LOGSTASH_API_WHITELIST - Regex for host IP addresses allowed to transmit messages

  • LOGSTASH_API_TOKEN - A user-provided token for ensuring permissability betwen the client and API server

  • LOGSTASH_LEVEL_MIN - A minimum log level for the appender - FATAL is probably the best choice.

  • LOGSTASH_LEVEL_MAX - The max level to log. Defaults to ERROR, but could be set lower ( e.g. WARN ) if more logging output is desired.

  • LOGSTASH_INDEX_PREFIX - The default prefix used for all logstash indices created by the appender

Transmission Modes

As noted above, this module may be used with either a direct connection to an elasticsearch server ( configured in your Coldbox application or via environment variables ) or it can transmit to a microservice version of itself via API. There are two valid transmission modes: direct ( default ) and api. In the case of the former, messages are logged directly to an Elasticsearch server via the cbElasticsearch module. In the case of the latter, you will need to supply configuration options for the API endpoint to be used in logging messages.


For a direct configuration, with no API enabled, our settings would be the following:

moduleSettings = {
	"logstash" : {
		"enableAPI" 		: false


Because direct is the default the above configuration only disables the API. No need to pass in additional configuration options. For an API transmission, our configuration becomes a little more complex:

moduleSettings = {
	"logstash" : {
		"transmission" : "api",
		"apiUrl" : ",
		"apiAuthToken : "[My SECRET Token]"

Note that the token is provided by you. The token on the client must match the token on the receiving microservice, however, so this is an excellent use case for environment variables.

Microservice configuration

If you are planning on running a separate instance to receive log messages, you can deploy a Coldbox application, with only the logstash module installed, as a microservice. In this case, our configuration would need to whitelist the IP of the client or allow all addresses to transmit with an apiWhitelist value of '*'. An example configuration for this microservice might be:

moduleSettings = {
	"logstash" : {
		// Must match the client tokens
		"apiAuthToken" : "[My SECRET Token]",
		// Allow transmission to the API from all hosts
		"apiWhitelist" : "*"

User Info Closure

A custom user information closure may be provided in your module configuration. This allows you to append additional information about the state of the error and/or your application ( see the log schema section below ).

If a struct or array, is returned, it is serialized as JSON in the userinfo key of the log entry. You may return any string, as well. Let's say we wanted to capture the URL scope, the user's id and the server state information with every logged message. We could provide the UDF like so:

"userInfoUDF" : function(){
	return {
		"scopes" : {
			"server" : SERVER,
			"url"  : URL
		"userId" : structKeyExists( application, "wirebox" ) ? application.wirebox.getInstance( "SecurityService" ).getAuthenticatedUserId() : ""

Note that the userInfoUDF is designed to fail softly - so as to prevent error messages from being generated from error logging. As such, if the closure fails you will see this message in the userInfo key: An error occurred when attempting to run the userInfoUDF provided. The message received was [ message text of error thrown ]

Index naming conventions

By default, the indexes created and used by the Logstash module use the following prefix: .logstash-[ lower-cased, alphanumeric application name]. The .logstash- prefix is a convention used by the ELK stack to denote two things:

  1. The index is non-public

  2. The index contains logs.

Tools like Kibana will automatically filter logging indices by looking for this name.

You may change the default prefix used for logging indices with the indexPrefix key in the module settings, or by providing a LOGSTASH_INDEX_PREFIX environment variable.

Last updated